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The Chair of Governors for Bamford Academy is Jackie Kirby. If you would like to contact the chair of governors please send an email to the address below, alternately the postal address is C/O Clerk to the Governors, Altus Education Partnership, Suite F4, No.2 The Esplanade, Rochdale OL16 1AE.
The Local Governing Body (LGB)
Bamford Academy LGB has delegated autonomy and authority to drive improvement within the school.
The role of the LGB is to provide focused governance for an academy at a local level. It monitors the academy’s key performance indicators and acts as a critical friend to the headteacher, providing challenge where appropriate. It will also play a part in representing the views of the academy’s stakeholders. The LGB’s delegated responsibilities requires them to monitor and report to the Trust Board on the overall performance of the academy. Membership of the LGB will include staff and parent members, who are elected by their peers to serve.
- Jackie Kirby (Chair of Governors)
- Wendy Woodhead (Vice Chair of Governors)
- Shiraz Janjua (Governor)
- Shipra Srivastava (Parent Governor)
- Frances Wilkinson (Parent Governor)
- Joseph Shepherd (Staff Governor)
Contact details for the Chair clerk@altusep.com or postal address c/a Chair of Governors, Altus Education Partnership, Suite F4, No.2 The Esplanade, Rochdale OL16 1AE.
Member, Trustee and Governor Terms of Office can be found here:
The full structure chart can be found here:
Altus Governance Structure January 2025
Terms of Reference can be found here:
Register of Interest
Downloadable format can be found here:
Trust Board and Governor Attendance
A downloable version of the attendance can be found here: