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Bamford PTA
Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) play an active role in our school community. They plan a year round calendar of events, including: non-uniform days, Halloween Disco, Christmas Markets and Bamfest to name a few. The events they run provide our pupils with exciting opportunities they can enjoy whilst also raising funds. Any funds raised are put towards resources or experiences that the pupils can benefit from. The PTA have also adopted the national charity, Save the Children, and run a number of events that support this charity.
The PTA also organises the collection and sale of pre-loved uniform items. They welcome donations of good quality uniform items that you no longer require and for those who need to buy items at significantly reduced prices can do so through this scheme. The PTA organises a monthly pop-up shop and will also respond to emails requesting items.
The PTA regularly produce newsletters that keep parents/carers updated on any upcoming events as well as regularly sharing news of what they spend money on.
The PTA meet regularly to plan events and are always looking out for other volunteers to help - whether you can commit to be a regular member or are just happy to pitch in on certain events. Our PTA can be contacted on bamfordpta@gmail.com.